
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Stuff, and stuff, and rantings about math

Okay, so guess what? I've decided to enter like, a billion short story submissions to a whole bunch of people, i.e magazines and contests, and whatnot. Cool huh? I think so! I'll let y'all know how all of that goes.

In other news, I've got many books to read from Christmas and I am very content.

And now for something completely different; the paranormal going ons in my place have ceased more or less- no door slamming. I'm relieved, but also kind of annoyed that I never caught anything on tape. NO PROOF ahhgh!

On to sports! No. I hate sports...

hmmm...time for serious-ness ( serious-ness is now a word)

I'm trying to get an exemption for my grade ten math, because frankly( I've taken the course six times now) I just don't give a damn! I have a dissorder called dyscalculia, which screws up my mathematical skills greatly. I can't even picture numbers in my head!!! I count on my fingers for the smallest of things, I have a hard time with money so getting a job is difficult, I see numbers screwed up(example, 678 is 687 or when too many zero's are in a number I often mess up) I have a hard time figuring out how to read a number if it's more than four digits long...the list goes on.

So, basically math isn't my cup of tea. And you know what? I've tried for an exemption before, and the lovely government said- drum roll please- no.

They said that they recognize my dissability, but the school (an adult ed) wasn't doing enough to help me. Really??? I'm one student out of a whole bunch they needed to help out, which they did to the best of their ability I might add, and they singled me out pretty much- which seems pretty damn helpful to me, I think, considering I wasn't the only person they needed to focus on-so uhh...what the heck? That school ( Place Cartier Adult Education Center) did a whole lot for me, and then some.

So here I am. I was granted one semester at Champlain College to get my DES, which is absolutely no time to finish a course by myself (I had help, but was pretty much on my own, doing Distance Education online...which didn't pan out at all!) I had my one semester, never completed the math course, because all I did was study, get help from my math major boyfriend (he's at Bishop's Uiversity studying to become a math teacher) and online math help sites...and of course failed the math. I never actually handed in anything, even if I completed it, because I was just so damned confused and finally gave up due to stress and health issues which the stress made worse!!!

 I also failed gym...but that's because I have health problems and missed a lot of class, and skipped to study- you guessed it guys- MATH! My other marks could have been sooooooooo much better if I didn't have to carry around the stress of the math course and deadline. I worked my arse off, but no. It was too much stress for me. It IS too much stress fotr me. If I have to take that class one more time, I swear to God I'm going to go nuts. NUTS!

I really hope this whole exemption thing works out. I have people who are helping me out, my parents and my Grandma, my old adult ed, my old high school teachers, a representative from the government, my old psychologists...good stuff. Please God, help me out. I'll believe in you! Okay, maybe not...but...UGH PLEASE ANYBODY!!!!

(I'd like to tank my boyfriend for taking care of me, as I have the flu)