
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Happy holidays

Happy holidays people out there in the bloggerverse! Whatever you celebrate, celebrate it with pride, unless you're a Satanist or Nazi or in the KKK and guys make my happy turn sad.

So, a couple of things need to be said. Drink responsibly this year- and read many, many books! Read until your heart's content people! But seriously, I would like to say some things.

There are millions of people around the world who are in dire need of help- so think about them for a little bit, and be thankful for what you have. We have shelter, food, technology, and water that is already purified. Our children grow up with toys and education. We have medicine for when we get sick- and where I live in Canada, our medicare system is fantastic. There are people dying of hunger everywhere in the world, yet we go out and buy gifts at Christmas and spend our money on things that we don't need to buy...because we have the means. So be thankful for what you have.

Also, I am so very sorry for losses from the recent tradegy in Conneticut, my heart is with everybody.

I've been thinking a lot recently, about what I am thankful for. And here are some people (I have more familyu and friends, but these are some examples haha:


Some of my friends, my mum and dad, my aunty Fiona, my uncle Alan, my cousin Rebecca and her son, kaleb, my grandparerents on my mum's side, my boyfriend.

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