
Friday 7 December 2012

Writer's block, psychic experiences, and more, oh my!

I officially think something strange is going on in my place. In October, my boyfriend Liam and I were experiencing strange phenomena and as a psychic (I've been tested for crazy, and I am not) I was not exactly thrilled that I was seeing weird black mist at random times in my place. Nor was I thrilled that I was hearing random voices and scratching noises. Liam wasn't either. Then, it got worse, when he was just this trance thing, staring at me with an evil-ass smile. Talk about terrifying! He couldn't even remember that happening. I also woke up with scratches- needles to say we did a cleansing of sorts, and things settled down. The only scratching and bumps and stuff that remained was from the heater and freezer, and floorboards. No more creepy mist either! The only spirits were the usual wanderers that pass by, checking things out peacefully and quietly. As per usual if you notice these things.

And today I'm back to hearing voices, and the door to my room slammed shut. In case you didn't understand me- my freaking door slammed shut while the window was closed, and the fans were off and I was chilling on my bed like "Holy shit!" I thought Liam was getting home when I heard the voices, and was about to get up when the god-dammned door slanmed shut.

I think you know where I'm going with this. My pants? They have been decently crapped in. What's worse, is I can't see anything- just have this bad feeling. I'm going to go all paranormal activity on this mofo's arse and use my laptop's surveillance camera to see if I can maybe see anything then. And you KNOW if I do, I will be posting it.

Also, my writers block is gone. Thanks creepy ass ghost for giving me inspiration. Writer's block gone, pants equal soiled.


  1. O.O That sounds terrifying! I think I would crap myself, open the door and run out of the building screaming.

    - Kim

  2. I took a walk to calm my nerves
